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Wiedermal XMG und nur eine Sprache

Verfasst: So 17 Apr 2005, 17:11
von MOS-Marauder
Tjo ich weiss nicht wieso aber heute @ MGM:

imer: Eine total, total verrückte Welt
17:42:04:187 INFO F:\DBoxII\XMediaGrabber\udrec.exe -host -now -es -o F:\VIDAC-CAPTURE\05-04-17 17_42 Eine total, total verrueckte Welt\Eine total, total verrueckte Welt -buf 16 -tcp 31340 -udp 31341 -vp 2ff -ap 300 -ap 301
17:42:07:640 INFO 17:42:07 to DBox: VIDEO 31341 16 0 1 vaa 2ff 300 301
17:42:07:656 INFO 17:42:07 from DBox: INFO: IP c0a80582 Port 31341
17:42:07:781 INFO 17:42:07 from DBox: PID vaa 3 2ff 300 301
17:42:07:828 INFO 17:42:07 to DBox: START
17:42:07:843 INFO 17:42:07 from DBox: INFO: UdpSender() - PID354 R0 W0
17:42:07:984 INFO 17:42:07 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 2ff 204960 0 0
17:42:07:984 INFO 17:42:07 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 300 29280 0 0
17:42:07:984 INFO 17:42:07 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 301 29280 0 0
17:42:25:859 INFO 17:42:25 found video stream (e0)
17:42:25:921 INFO 17:42:25 found mp2 stream (c7)
17:42:25:921 INFO 17:42:25 found mp2 stream (c0)
17:42:25:937 INFO 17:42:25 stream out of data
17:42:28:031 INFO 17:42:28 02:12:21.51: video resync
18:11:48:734 INFO naechste Aufnahme: 17.04.05 21:47 Sender:PREMIERE KRIMI
18:11:48:781 INFO 18:11:48 to DBox: STOP
18:11:48:781 INFO 18:11:48 network statistics:
18:11:48:781 INFO max: 5,5 Mbit/s total data rate
18:11:48:781 INFO average: 2,9 Mbit/s total data rate
18:11:48:781 INFO average: 0,024 Mbit/s resend data rate
18:11:48:781 INFO count: 3615 resend packets
18:11:48:781 INFO average: 1 resend packet per 119,3 total packets
18:11:48:781 INFO max: 107 packets per resend
18:11:48:781 INFO average: 16,1 packets per resend
18:11:48:796 INFO 18:11:48 TcpSender stopped
18:11:49:093 INFO 18:11:49 ESSync stopped - no stream errors
18:11:49:265 INFO 18:11:49 from DBox: EXIT
18:11:49:265 INFO 18:11:49 UdpReceiver stopped
18:11:49:265 INFO 18:11:49 TcpReceiver stopped
18:11:49:750 INFO 18:11:49 KeyboardRecordControl stopped

Nur die Engl Sprache... die Deutsche war 0 Bytes.

Jemand net erklärung why?