Seite 1 von 1

Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Mi 21 Apr 2010, 10:39
von tsalimo
Hallo Leute,

ich habe das Problem, dass neuerdings (Mitte April) der Empfang von SKY-Sendern einfriert. Trotz langer und intensiver Suche in (diversen) Boards habe ich keine Hinweise finden können, die mir weiterhelfen. Ich hoffe, der Bereich stimmt – sonst bitte verschieben…

Ich verwende seit Jahren meine gute alte dbox2 von SAGEM mit 1xI (Kabel) und hatte zuletzt das (immer gut funktionierende) JtG-Image von Riker aus dem 06/2008 darauf laufen. Der Empfang von freien Kanälen funktioniert immer noch problemlos, nur bei SKY-Sendern gibt es erst 3-5 Sekunden Bild und Ton, dann friert es ein. Nach einer Pause von gefühlten 20 bis 30 Sekunden kommt manchmal erneut Bild und Ton, um dann allerdings auch gleich wieder einzufrieren. Das Zurückschalten auf freie Sender bringt Bild und Ton wieder, bei SKY allerdings immer das gleiche…

Nun habe ich das Image auf eine JtG-Version 2.3.4 aus 12/2009 aktualisiert, der Fehler bleibt aber. Aktuell habe ich auch ein *****-Image aus 09/2009 probiert – gleiches Ergebnis (die Pausenzeiten sind vielleicht kürzer).

Die Signal-Einspeisung kommt von telecolumbus, mit dem Signalpegel oder Störungen hatte ich nie Probleme. Natürlich habe ich ein Abo und eine passende Karte.

An SKY selbst kann es meiner Meinung nach nicht liegen, Bild und Ton kommt ja mal kurz. Die ucodes und camd2 fallen meines Erachtens als Fehlerquelle auch aus, da es weder im JtG-Image mit meinen originalen Dateien noch im *****-Image mit den integrierten funktioniert.

Hat irgendjemand eine Idee, woran das liegen könnte oder wie man den Fehler behebt?

Danke und Gruß
- tsalimo -

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Mi 21 Apr 2010, 15:22
von Gaucho316
Poste doch mal bitte ein Log. Vielleicht erkennt man ja da die Ursache.

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Mi 21 Apr 2010, 19:54
von tsalimo
Mach ich doch glatt...

Code: Alles auswählen

have fun with ***** on your Sagem D-BOX2 - Kernel (20:34:14)...
dbox login: root

BusyBox v1.14.4 (2009-09-26 14:42:24 CEST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/var # setconsole
/var # [camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] set emm caid 1702 capid 1000
[camd] starting onid 0001 sid 000a
[camd] set emm caid 1702 capid 1000
20:34:49.300 eit_set_update_filter, servicekey = 0x20085000a, current version 3
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
20:35:58.324 eit_set_update_filter, servicekey = 0x44d00016dca, current version
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL

und so weiter...

Cardnumber ist natürlich verändert (ach was!) und da ich kein Nullmodemkabel zur Hand hatte, nur das Log per Netz... Hoffe, es gibt trotzdem Anhaltspunkte.

Danke und Gruß

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Mi 21 Apr 2010, 21:35
von Pedant
Hallo -tsalimo-,

poste bitte ein Log, dass mit dem JtG-Image erstellt wurde, da wir für das andere Image keinen Support übernehmen.
Da Du das andere Image ohnehin nur testweise installiert hattest, sollte das ja kein Problem sein.
Ich bin übrigens nicht geübt im Log lesen, aber es scheint keine Stelle drin zu sein die auf ein Einfrieren hinweist.
Es erscheint nur ein paar mal:
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 000a status: 5050
(Ihre Smartcard ist für die Sendung nicht freigeschaltet.)

Hattest Du denn einen Freeze während das Log aufgezeichnet wurde und falls ja, bei welcher Zeile?

Gruß Frank

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Do 22 Apr 2010, 9:09
von tsalimo

danke schonmal.

Sorry, ich hätte auch gleich an die Verwendung des richtigen Images denken sollen...

Ich musste allerdings erstmal ein paar Trojaner auf meinem Rechner loswerden und dann wird meine Freizeit leider immer wieder durch Arbeit unterbrochen - insofern komme ich erst heut abend dazu, ein neues Log zu ziehen und dann zu posten.

Übrigens gab es Freezer und zwar an den Stellen mit dem descramble...

Ich berichte heut' abend genauer.


Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Do 22 Apr 2010, 9:43
von dbt
An SKY selbst kann es meiner Meinung nach nicht liegen, Bild und Ton kommt ja mal kurz.
Wahrscheinlich doch, Gewisse Aussetzer kann ich persönlich in letzter Zeit auch nachvollziehen. Bei dem Gewurschtel was an der Verschlüsselung mit Betacryt->NagraHin<->NagraHer-<Tunnelung-Dingensens in letzter Zeit gebastelt wurde, sollte man man sich eigentlich nicht mehr wundern...
Man müsste es mal mit der Originalsoft testen und wenn es dort auch passiert, was ich fast vermute, kann man das denen vortragen. Als Antwort kann ich mir schon wieder genau ausmalen was kommt. Sinngemäß etwa sowas wie: "Gerät könnte kaputt sein, wir würden Ihnen gerne ein neues Gerät anbieten..." was will uns das sagen... :?: :?: :?:

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Do 22 Apr 2010, 21:00
von tsalimo

So, nun das versprochene Log, diesmal auch per Nullmodemkabel gezogen.

Vorher: JtG-Image geflasht, ucodes und camd2 wieder rein, Sendersuchlauf mit cable bruteforce.

Code: Alles auswählen

debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS
debug: BMon V1.2  mID 03
debug: feID 00    enxID 03
debug: fpID 52     dsID 01-1d.26.0a.08.00.00-76
debug: HWrev 61  FPrev 0.23
debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08
WATCHDOG reset enabled
dbox2:root> debug: 
BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)
debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast
debug: Given up BOOTP/TFTP boot
boot net failed

Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)

Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1
Found file /root/platform/sagem-dbox2/kernel/os in Flash-FS
debug: Got Block #0044

will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 170380
verify sig: 262
Branching to 0x40000

U-Boot 2009.08 (Tuxbox) (04.12.09 09:04:31) 

CPU:   PPC823ZTnnB2 at 66 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache
Board: DBOX2, Sagem, BMon V1.2
       Watchdog enabled
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  32 MB
Scanning JFFS2 FS: . done.
env: found console with value ttyS0
env: found baudrate with value 9600
env: found dbox_duplex with value 0
env: found lcd_inverse with value 0
env: found lcd_contrast with value 15
env: found lcd_bias with value 0
FB:    ready
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
LCD:   ready

  1: Console on null
  2: Console on ttyS0
  3: Console on framebuffer
Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot:  0 
............................................................... done
Un-Protected 63 sectors
### FS (squashfs) loading 'vmlinuz' to 0x200000
### FS load complete: 671124 bytes loaded to 0x200000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00200000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux-
   Image Type:   PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    671060 Bytes = 655.3 kB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
Linux version (vom Jtg-Team) (gcc version 3.4.6) #1 Fr 4. Dez 08:
42:33 CET 2009
On node 0 totalpages: 8192
zone(0): 8192 pages.
zone(1): 0 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs console=ttyS0,9600 
Decrementer Frequency = 247500000/60
m8xx_wdt: active wdt found (SWTC: 0xFFFF, SWP: 0x1)
m8xx_wdt: keep-alive trigger installed (PITC: 0x2000)
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 65.74 BogoMIPS
Memory: 30824k available (1144k kernel code, 340k data, 60k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd
devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch (
devfs: boot_options: 0x1
JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) (C) 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc.
squashfs: version 3.0 (2006/03/15) Phillip Lougher
i2c-core.o: i2c core module version 2.6.1 (20010830)
i2c-dev.o: i2c /dev entries driver module version 2.6.1 (20010830)
CPM UART driver version 0.04
ttyS0 at 0x0280 is on SMC1 using BRGttyS1 at 0x0380 is on SMC2 using BRG2
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
half-duplex mode enabled
eth0: CPM ENET Version 0.2.dbox2 on SCC2, 00:50:9c:3d:53:7c
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
D-Box 2 flash driver (size->0x800000 mem->0x10000000)
D-Box 2 flash memory: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
 Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x0031
Using buffer write method
cfi_cmdset_0001: Erase suspend on write enabled
Creating 6 MTD partitions on "D-Box 2 flash memory":
0x00000000-0x00020000 : "BR bootloader"
0x00020000-0x00040000 : "FLFS (U-Boot)"
0x00040000-0x006a0000 : "root (squashfs+lzma)"
0x006a0000-0x00800000 : "var (jffs2)"
0x00020000-0x00800000 : "Flash without bootloader"
0x00000000-0x00800000 : "Complete Flash"
Linux video capture interface: v1.00
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 4096)
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.
Mounted devfs on /dev
Freeing unused kernel memory: 60k init
init started: BusyBox v1.15.2 (2009-12-04 09:15:43 CET)
starting pid 8, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'
Starting the automounter
event: $Id: event.c,v 1.12 2003/09/30 05:45:38 obi Exp $
tuxbox: no IDE-Interface detected
[i2c-8xx]: mpc 8xx i2c init
[i2c-8xx]: adapter: 0
$Id: cam.c,v 1.30 2004/01/10 16:36:34 alexw Exp $
$Id: avia_napi.c,v 1.18 2003/11/24 09:53:01 obi Exp $
DVB: registering new adapter (C-Cube AViA GTX/eNX with AViA 500/600).
dvb_i2c_bridge: enabled DVB i2c bridge to PowerPC 8xx I2C adapter
$Id: cam_napi.c,v 1.8 2003/09/30 05:45:34 obi Exp $
avia_av: $Id: avia_av_core.c,v 1.100 2009/09/11 05:58:41 rhabarber1848 Exp $
avia_av_core: Starting avia_av_wdt thread.
avia_av: AVIA 600L found.
avia_av_event: $Id: avia_av_event.c,v 1.11 2003/10/26 16:32:51 obi Exp $
avia_av_proc: $Id: avia_av_proc.c,v 1.15 2007/07/29 18:14:12 papst Exp $
avia_gt_core: $Id: avia_gt_core.c,v 1.48 2004/12/20 01:01:22 carjay Exp $
avia_gt_core: autodetecting chip type... eNX
avia_gt_enx: $Id: avia_gt_enx.c,v 1.21 2003/09/30 05:45:35 obi Exp $
avia_gt_accel: $Id: avia_gt_accel.c,v 1.19 2003/09/30 05:45:35 obi Exp $
avia_gt_dmx: $Id: avia_gt_dmx.c,v 1.210 2004/06/26 16:08:15 carjay Exp $
avia_gt_ucode: loaded ucode vB107
avia_gt_ucode: ucode section filters disabled.
avia_gt_dmx: warning, misaligned queue 0 (is 0xFD200, size 65536), aligning...
avia_gt_gv: $Id: avia_gt_gv.c,v 1.39 2004/08/28 16:44:56 carjay Exp $
avia_gt_gv: set_input_size (width=720, height=576)
avia_gt_pcm: $Id: avia_gt_pcm.c,v 1.29 2004/01/29 19:38:20 zwen Exp $
avia_gt_capture: $Id: avia_gt_capture.c,v 1.32 2003/09/30 05:45:35 obi Exp $
avia_gt_pig: $Id: avia_gt_pig.c,v 1.40 2003/09/30 05:45:35 obi Exp $
avia_gt_vbi: $Id: avia_gt_vbi.c,v 1.26 2003/08/01 17:31:22 obi Exp $
avia_gt_core: Loaded AViA eNX/GTX driver
avia_gt_fb: $Id: avia_gt_fb_core.c,v 1.54 2004/03/17 18:42:18 zwen Exp $
avia_gt_gv: set_input_mode (mode=2)
avia_gt_gv: set_input_size (width=720, height=576)
avia_gt_gv: set_input_mode (mode=2)
avia_gt_gv: set_input_size (width=720, height=576)
avia_gt_gv: set_input_mode (mode=2)
avia_gt_gv: set_input_size (width=720, height=576)
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 82x32
avia_gt_fb: fb0: AViA eNX/GTX Framebuffer frame buffer device
avia_av_core: Starting avia_gt_wdt thread.
lcd.o: init lcd driver module
lcd.o: found KS0713/SED153X lcd interface
jtginfo $Id: jtginfo.c,v 2.2 2009/02/07 21:51:28 jtgriker Exp $
avia_gt_lirc: $Id: avia_gt_lirc.c,v 1.14 2003/09/30 05:45:35 obi Exp $
avia_gt_ir: $Id: avia_gt_ir.c,v 1.30 2003/09/30 05:45:35 obi Exp $
avia_oss: $Id: avia_gt_oss.c,v 1.28 2009/03/22 12:37:58 rhabarber1848 Exp $
avia_gt_v4l2: $Id: avia_gt_v4l2.c,v 1.12 2003/09/30 04:54:03 obi Exp $
DVB: registering frontend 0:0 (Atmel AT76C651A with TUA6010XS)...
avia_av_napi.c: $Id: avia_av_napi.c,v 1.33 2004/03/11 15:30:27 derget Exp $
avia_gt_napi: $Id: avia_gt_napi.c,v 1.203 2005/01/05 05:49:56 carjay Exp $
Fri Dec 13 21:45:52 CET 1901
$Id: sectionsd.cpp,v 1.315 2009/11/30 21:50:26 seife Exp $
[sectionsd] Caching max 6000 events
[sectionsd] Caching 14 days
[sectionsd] Caching 6 hours Extended Text
[sectionsd] Events are old 60min after their end time
/var/tuxbox/config/zapit/epgfilter.xml: No such file or directory
/var/tuxbox/config/zapit/dvbtimefilter.xml: No such file or directory
/var/tuxbox/config/mybouquets.xml: No such file or directory
[timerd] woke up from timer? false!
$Id: zapit.cpp,v 1.450 2009/11/26 20:58:21 rhabarber1848 Exp $
[zapit] PMT update enabled
[frontend] uncommitted_switch_mode 0 auto_fec 0
/var/tuxbox/config/zapit/ubouquets.xml: No such file or directory
/tmp/currentservices.xml: No such file or directory
[controld] Boxtype detected: (3, Sagem D-BOX2)
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[controld]: ROUTEVIDEO v1 = 0 a1 = 0 v2 = 0 a2 = 0 fblk=1
[CVideo::setVideoFormat] output format: 4:3(LB)
neutrino: /lib/ no version information available (required by neut
neutrino: /lib/ no version information available (required by /lib
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
starting /bin/neutrino
[neutrino] frameBuffer Instance created
812k video mem
avia_gt_gv: set_input_mode (mode=2)
avia_gt_gv: set_input_size (width=720, height=576)
[neutrino] Software update enabled
[neutrino] enable flash
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[lcdd] time-skin not found -> using default...
[lcdd] weekday-skin not found -> using default...
[lcdd] date-skin not found -> using default...
[lcdd] month-skin not found -> using default...
[LCDFONT] initializing core...
[LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/12.pcf.gz...OK (Fix12/Regular)
[LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/14B.pcf.gz...OK (Fix14/Bold)
[LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/15B.pcf.gz...OK (Fix15/Bold)
[LCDFONT] Intializing font cache...
[LCDFONT] FTC_Face_Requester (Fix14/Bold)
[rcinput] no file /var/tuxbox/config/rc.conf was found
/dev/input/event1: No such file or directory
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[neutrino] menue setup
[neutrino] found esound, adding personalized esound entry to mainmenue
[network config] Instance created
loading locales: scandir: No such file or directory
[neutrino] can not use input repeat on fd_rc[0]: 22 (Invalid argument) 
[neutrino] setRepeat: delay=25 period=0 use kernel-repeat: no
[neutrino] registering as event client
[scan-setup] received 11 providers
[LCDFONT] FTC_Face_Requester (Fix15/Bold)
[camd] set emm caid 1702 capid 1000
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
PES, queue 0 normal.
[camd] starting onid 0001 sid 00de
[neutrino] no file /var/tuxbox/config/init.end was found
[neutrino] initialized everything
[camd] set emm caid 1702 capid 1000
21:46:13.170 [timeThread] - 22.04.2010 21:34:24, tim: Thu Apr 22 21:34:24 2010
21:46:13.223 [timeThread] Time set via DVB, going to sleep for 1800 seconds.
[neutrino] timeset event. difference is -875518805 s, stepping...
21:34:24.862 dmxSDT: going to sleep...
21:34:25.022 eit_set_update_filter, servicekey = 0x4008500de, current version 8
[timerd] using config file /var/tuxbox/config/timerd.conf
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
nhttpd: /lib/ no version information available (required by /lib/l
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[yhttpd] Webserver nhttpd/3.1.8 (yhttpd_core/1.2.0)
[LCDFONT] initializing core...
[LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/micron.ttf...OK (Micron/Regular)
[LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/micron_bold.ttf...OK (Micron/Bold)
[LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/pakenham.ttf...OK (Pakenham/Regular)
[LCDFONT] Intializing font cache...
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[controld] VIDEO_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED 720x576 (4:3 -> 16:9)
[yhttpd] Webserver starting...
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1

---->>>> hier der erste freeze, nur ein paar sekunden <<<<----

descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1

---->>>> hier der zweite freeze, schon deutlich länger <<<<----

21:34:57.038 [sectionsd] DMX::readNbytes received POLLERR, pid 0x12, filter[3] f
ilter 0x60 mask 0xf1
21:35:36.172 dmxSDT: going to sleep...
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] out of sync! 6f 0c 50 0c
[camd] out of sync! 23 8f 00 01
[camd] out of sync! 00 de 01 00
[camd] out of sync! 03 1d 1d 1d
[camd] out of sync! 5f ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1

---->>>> hier der dritte freeze, nochmal länger... <<<<----

descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] out of sync! 6f 0c 50 0c
[camd] out of sync! 23 8f 00 01
[camd] out of sync! 00 de 01 00
[camd] out of sync! 03 1d 1d 1d
[camd] out of sync! 5f ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] out of sync! ff ff ff ff
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restar

avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 5050
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
descramble onid: 0001 sid: 00de status: 1d1d
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] ca system id: 1702
[camd] card_country: TEL
[camd] card_number: 8888888888
[camd] card_version: 0384
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
avia_av_wdt_thread: video decoding stopped ==> restart
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] a card is in slot #1

... und das muss jetzt reichen ...
Danke schon mal vorab für den Aufwand, das hier zu analysieren und für eventuelle Hinweise - ich warte gespannt :)


edit: cardnumber geändert (wenn auch reichlich spät :oops: )

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Fr 23 Apr 2010, 19:38
von Riker

Sec Rams
Kartenleser Wackelkontakt

Gruß Riker

Re: Bild bei SKY friert ein

Verfasst: Mo 26 Apr 2010, 15:26
von tsalimo
Nun gut - oder auch nicht.

Ich werde demnächst Besitzer und Betreiber einer Nokia-Box sein - Sagem war ohnehin nie mein Favorit...

Ich hätte dann diese hier übrig... - bei Interesse bitte melden :mrgreen:

(WAR EIN SPASS!!! Bevor ich jetzt haufenweise Anfragen kriege - nein, die wandert zu 'nem Freund ohne Abo für freie Sender, ist also NICHT abzugeben...)

Danke an alle für die Analyse und Expertise.
